Star Trek Continues 2013a2017 7810 124 Rate This Embracing the Winds

"You will continue to reach deeper into the stars. You will explore more new worlds. You will have the privilege of venturing further into the final frontier."

James T. Kirk

Star Trek Continues is a Fan Sequel web series set in the Star Trek universe. Its mission: to continue where Star Trek: The Original Series left off, and complete the final two years of the Five Year Mission of the Enterprise.

The cast is comprised of professionals in the film business who all also happen to be huge Star Trek fans. They are aiming to capture the spirit of the original series as accurately as possible while still creating new, high quality stories.

The team's first output were a series of three short vignettes that were released from July 31 to November 30, 2012. A batch of three full-length episodes, partly funded through Kickstarter, were then released from May 26, 2013 to June 15, 2014. Two more episodes per year were released in 2015 and 2016, with the final four episodes released in 2017.

It can be accessed through the official site here. Or on the show's YouTube channel here.

Since the series follows the crew of the original Star Trek: The Original Series, please refer to that page for most character tropes.

Compare Star Trek: The Animated Series, the official continuation to Star Trek: The Original Series, and Star Trek: New Voyages, the other major fanmade webseries.

    Episode List

Descriptions from the official website.

  1. "Pilgrim of Eternity": Apollo returns to wreak havoc on Kirk and the Enterprise in the first episode of the new series.
  2. "Lolani": A survivor from a distressed Tellarite vessel pulls Captain Kirk and his crew into a moral quandary over her sovereignty.
  3. "Fairest of Them All": In the Mirror Universe, Spock faces a choice that determines the future of the Terran Empire.
  4. "The White Iris": Captain Kirk finds himself haunted by guilt from his past as the fate of an alien world hangs in the balance.
  5. "Divided We Stand": Kirk and McCoy are trapped in time while an alien infestation threatens the Enterprise.
  6. "Come Not Between the Dragons": A troubled creature pierces the Enterprise hull, pitting the crew against a pursuer that threatens to tear them apart.
  7. "Embracing the Winds": While the Enterprise is sent on a seemingly routine mission, Kirk is recalled to starbase where he faces an ethical dilemma that challenges the very core of Starfleet Command.
  8. "Still Treads the Shadow": The Enterprise discovers a lost starship… with an unlikely passenger.
  9. "What Ships Are For": A society on an asteroid faces a mysterious affliction, while they cannot see colors at all.
  10. "To Boldly Go, Part 1": To solve the ultimate mystery, the Enterprise must return to where Kirk's five-year mission began.
  11. "To Boldly Go, Part 2": The iconic mission of the U.S.S. Enterprise comes to an end, as Kirk and his crew battle the ultimate adversary.

This series provides examples of the following tropes:

  • Abusive Parents: Usdi from "Come Not Between the Dragons" took refuge on the Enterprise because, as it turns out, its father is abusive, and it fled in fear. And then, Ensign Taylor reveals her father was this as well, which is why she and Usdi bonded in the first place.
  • Actor Allusion: Lou Ferrigno plays a green-skinned Orion in the second episode.
  • Addictive Magic: Old habits die hard for Apollo, apparently.
    • Addiction Displacement: At the end Apollo discovers that self-sacrifice can provide as much sustenance for him as worship.
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Tiberius in "Still Treads The Shadow". With only the computer to communicate with, Old Kirk ends up imprinting himself on it. Tiberius obsesses over him, refusing to let him go and even knocked him out by removing life support then cryo-freezing him with a brainwashing message.
  • Alien Gender Confusion: Upon a new species making first contact with the Enterprise, one of their ambassadors mistakes Spock for a human female. (The aliens of the week are humanoids themselves, which makes it especially funny.
  • And the Adventure Continues: In a Shout-Out to Star Trek: The Motion Picture, The Stinger of "To Boldly Go, Part 2" tells the audience that "The Human Adventure Continues..."
  • An Arm and a Leg: In "Divided We Stand," Kirk and Bones are forced to endure a facsimile of The American Civil War, which winds up with Bones amputating Kirk's leg. Luckily, it's All Just a Dream.
  • An Aesop: It wouldn't be Star Trek without one per episode.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Despite a thorough dose of skepticism, the crew can't help feeling bad for Apollo's fate.
  • Ascended Extra: In the Original Series, Lieutenant j.g. (formerly Yeoman) Barbara Smith was just an extra appearing solely in "Where No Man Has Gone Before". Here she appears as a recurring extra and eventually plays a central role in in the finale.
  • The Atoner: What Apollo becomes in the end. In a way.
  • Beauty Inversion: Jamie Bamber gets quite bruised and battered in his appearance.
  • Big Bad: Lana, the leader of the Espers that have been causing problems for Starfleet and destroying Constitution-class starships like the Hood .
  • Bittersweet Ending: The Enterprise completes its five year mission and returns to Earth in triumph, coming off of just having saved the entire galaxy. But the joyous occasion is somewhat tempered by Kirk, Spock, and McCoy all realizing that they are feeling rather worn down and weary from the personal losses they have faced along the way, especially the recent deaths of Yeoman Smith and Dr. McKennah. This respectively leads to Kirk deciding to accept a promotion to admiral, McCoy choosing to resign from Starfleet, and Spock arranging a return to Vulcan to undergo a ritual to purge his emotions.
  • Call-Forward:
    • The intro to "Lolani" shows Kirk squinting at a book he is trying to read in his quarters, a reference to him wearing reading glasses in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
    • In "To Boldly Go, Part 1", Lana explains to Kirk that Starfleet has been doing experiments with weaponizing Espers, such as herself. When Kirk responds with skepticism to her claim, telling her that he is pretty sure that the Federation is not in the business of weaponizing its own citizens, she says that if that is what he believes, he had better study "Article 14, Section 31".
    • At the end of "To Boldly Go, Part 2", Spock has a discussion with Kirk with about emotions, as he blames himself for the death of Dr. McKennah, believing that the whole unfortunate thing happened because he was thinking emotionally and not logically, and that he needs to do something about it. This, of course, ties into Spock's subplot from the Motion Picture, where he was attempting to undergo a ritual to purge all emotion from himself.
  • Cannon Fodder: When Mirror Sulu says that there might be casualties trying to capture Mirror Spock, Mirror Kirk tells him to "Take Chekov and put him out front."
  • Canon Foreigner: The series adds the psychologist, Dr. Elise McKennah note played by Michele Specht, Vic Mignogna's wife and Chief of Security, Lt. William Drake, as recurring characters. Elise is the Enterprise's first Ship's Counselor, described as a new and somewhat experimental position. In the mirror universe, she's more like the ship's chief courtesan.
  • Casting Gag:
    • Mr. Scott is played by Chris Doohan, the son of James Doohan, the original Scotty.
    • On a more meta level, the computer voice is provided by Marina Sirtis, who played Counselor Troi in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Her mother, Lwaxana Troi, was played by Majel Barrett, who also provided the original voice of the computer. The mirror universe's computer voice is Michael Dorn, who was Lt. Worf.
    • Bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno, who played the titular character in The Incredible Hulk (1977), appears in "Lolani" in the role of an Orion slaver, once again requiring him to put on lots of green bodypaint.
    • The female Romulan Commander, returning from "The Enterprise Incident", is played by Amy Rydell, daughter of the original actress Joanne Linville. Just like Doohan, she strongly resembles the original actor - although the makeup job probably helped too.
  • The Chains of Commanding: In "To Boldly Go", Kirk has a melancholic moment where he notices that 73 crewmembers have lost their lives under his command during the mission. McCoy tries to reassure him, telling him that during the same time he has also saved countless lives and even a couple of planets as well, but Kirk doesn't find it much consolation, finding each single death still haunts him regardless.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • Book Safe: A copy of The Fall of the Roman Empire, on "Lolani".
    • "Embracing the Winds" early on has a discussion about being glad to not be the one to have to tell the Tellarite ambassador that there's going to be a female Constitution-class captain, seeing as a) the Tellarites are responsible for the informal policy that has kept women from commanding larger Federation Starfleet ships and have been making hints about leaving the Federation if not appeased, b) Tellarites are famously argumentative and abrasive. At the end of the episode Kirk has a conversation with the ambassador, who turns out be not only quite amiable and friendly, but also personally opposed to the sexist glass ceiling policy and intending to join the debate against it on his homeworld.
  • Chess Motif: The climax of "Fairest of Them All" involves this, with Mirror Kirk viewing his crew as "pawns" and himself as the "king".
  • Chroma Key: Used in the prototype holodeck scenes. Of course, the holodeck in question being a somewhat crude prototype and therefore not yet capable of projecting the convincing visuals seen in the Next Generation era means that its actually Justified by an In-Universe explanation.
  • Continuity Cavalcade: "To Boldly Go, Part 2" has Kirk meeting with a Starfleet admiral, who has models of various ships from the fleet standing on a shelf in his office. Kirk briefly studies the ships, allowing the audience to see that the admiral's models includes the NX-01, the USS Kelvin and even the USS Discovery.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • Prototype versions of Next Generation features, including the holodeck and saucer separation note Saucer separation was canon from the beginning of TOS; it was mentioned in "The Apple", but we never saw it done., not to mention the Ship's Counselor, can be found sprinkled throughout the series.
    • Marina Sirtis, who played Barrett's daughter in Next Gen, does the computer voice. Barrett died in 2008.
    • In "Fairest of Them All", Mirror Kirk addresses the helm officer as "Jones" and she says "It's Smith, sir." Her expression suggests he does this a lot. This goes back to "Where No Man Has Gone Before" where our Kirk made this error with Yeoman Barbara Smith. A precursor to Janice Rand, she was played by Andrea Dromm. It's pretty clear that the helm officer, played by Kipleigh Brown, is meant to be the same character in the mirror universe.
    • Mirror Kirk takes a swig from a bottle of booze in exactly the same manner as Evil Kirk did in "The Enemy Within".
    • Checkov briefly mentions decoding something from the Xindi in the Academy before Kirk cuts him off.
  • Continuity Porn: To be expected in a series of this nature, but the series finale really goes to extraordinary lengths in its attempts to create a seemless transition between TOS, STC and Star Trek: The Motion Picture:
    • Kirk accepts promotion to the admiralty, while McCoy and Spock announce their intentions to leave Starfleet. Spock's emptional lapses (as he sees them) in the finale are also implied to be his motivation to undergo the Kolinahr ritual that he almost completes in The Motion Picture.
    • The Starfleet uniforms featured in TMP are confirmed to be filtering down through the ranks in the near future, having already been adopted by the admiralty in an earlier episode. The uniforms are also instantly disliked by the crew, which may go some way to explaining their short-lived nature.
    • The Enterprise is completely trashed in the battle against the Espers, necessitating the extensive refit seen in the movie era.
    • All the remaining Constitution-class starships in the fleet are destroyed - the class is never seen again onscreen following TOS, despite other ship designs of the era persisting for over a century in canon.
    • The Canon Foreigner characters Drake and McKenna, along with Ascended Extra Smith, are all killed.
    • Starfleet decides to readopt the arrowhead insignia worn by Enterprise crew members throughout all of Starfleet. The not only explains why the arrowhead is used exclusively in post-TOS series, but also patches the Continuity Snarl created by Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek: Discovery.
    • Kirk recommends that the experimental ship's counsellor position pioneered by McKenna - not featured in TOS, but prominient in the 24th century Trek era - be rolled out across Starfleet.
  • The Dead Have Names: In "To Boldly Go", Kirk reveals that he can remember the name of every crewmember he has lost during the mission and they all weigh heavily on his conscience.
  • Dead Star Walking: Between being a Red Shirt and being played by Jamie Bamber, it's obvious Mr. Simone is doomed.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: An In-Universe case and even a plot point in "What Ships Are For". Due to special radiation emitted by their sun, the inhabitants of Hyalinus are unable to see color, and as a result see everything in monochrome. For the benefit of the audience, the scenes taking place on Hyalinus are therefore rendered in black-and-white, which also helps to hide the plot twist that Sekara and Thaius and several other Hyalians are actually Abicians.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: McKennah shoots Apollo in the back with a phaser when he starts to revert to his A God Am I tendencies. He shrugs off the blast, but the fact that she pulled the trigger snaps him out of it.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Dr. McKennah suffers from this when she walks in on Kirk in his quarters when he's shirtless.
  • Does Not Like Shoes: Lolani.
  • Doomed by Canon: Dr. McKennah, being an original character and having a relationship with a main character more or less spelled her doom in the final episode.
    • Despite the Happily Ever After to "Fairest Of Them All," Mirror Spock's later attempts to reform the Terran Empire are doomed not just to fail, but prop up the tyrannical Klingon-Cardassian Alliance into power instead.
  • Downer Ending: "Lolani".
  • Engineered Public Confession: Mirror Spock gets Mirror Kirk to rant about how the crew are just pawns to be used, broken and sacrificed to service his lust for power. Too bad he didn't see the open communications panel.
  • Evilutionary Biologist: Lana and her fellow Espers believe that they are the next step of human evolution, and therefore should be rulers of humanity.
  • Existential Horror: "Still Treads the Shadow" sees Kirk meeting a very aged duplicate of himself who was created via the Negative Space Wedgie which shallowed up the Defiant and ended up stranded alone on the other side of the anomaly for a little over two centuries. Kirk is extremely disturbed by the whole thing, not least from seeing how far beyond said duplicate went over the Despair Event Horizon during his entrapment as the isolation caused him to go mad and his hope to slip, noticing how it was just a stroke of sheer luck that kept him from suffering the same fate.
  • The Farmer and the Viper: Played with heavily in the plot of "Pilgrim of Eternity", though it is solved in the end.
  • Foreshadowing: Someone or something is destroying the Federation's starships. An innocuous hint of this was dropped in Episode 6 when they mention the Lexington has been destroyed. Episode 7 shows that what's going on aren't accidents.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: Kirk dresses down a crewman in this manner who tries to assist Lolani in stealing a shuttlecraft.

    Kirk: Get a hold of yourself, Mister! (beat) I may have to tolerate the sovereignty of alien worlds, but what I won't tolerate is insubordination ON MY SHIP!

  • A God Am I: In the first episode, the crew meets Apollo (again!).
  • Gods Need Prayer Badly: Apollo, again.
  • Green-Skinned Space Babe: The title character of the second episode "Lolani".
  • Grand Finale: By going beyond the rather Anti-Climatic and infamously sexist "Turnabout Intruder" which capped off The Original Series back in the day in what be described as a somewhat lacking fashion at best, the series tries its hand at offering a properly grand send-off to the original show with the "To Boldly Go" two parter, which is set as a Bookend to "Where No Man Has Gone Before" sees the original Enterprise crew facing off against a threat to all known galactic civilisation and finally complete their five year mission, before ending on a couple of more personal low-key moments of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy discussing the future of their careers (thereby setting the stage for Star Trek: The Motion Picture) and Kirk taking one last stroll on the bridge of the Enterprise.
  • Hand Wave: "To Boldly Go, Part 1" does this to Original Series episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before", chalking up Gary Mitchell's mistake — referring to James T. Kirk as James R. Kirk — to the overwhelming amount of power he'd achieved clouding his memories.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Mirror Spock slowly invokes this in the crew of the I.S.S. during "Fairest Of Them All." The only ones still loyal to Mirror Kirk by the end are Mirrors Sulu and McCoy, who join the tyrant in exile.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: In "To Boldly Go, Part II", Yeoman Barbara Smith is revealed to be an Esper, but rather than become corrupted, she uses her newfound power to go over to the Kongo and render the ship inoperable. Sadly, her attempt winds up being this trope.
  • Hey, That's My Line!: In the Gag Reel, this is Bones' response when a Red Shirt says He's Dead, Jim.
  • I Die Free: Sadly, this isn't Lolani's ultimate fate. But maybe her death will be an inspiration to others.
  • If You Kill Him, You Will Be Just Like Him!:
    • Mirror Spock takes this attitude when he mutinies against Mirror Kirk, believing that the Empire must change its ways. When Moreau shows him the Tantalus device, he refuses to use it. Also, he has the officers loyal to him set their phasers to stun instead of to kill. This surprising act of mercy on his part prompts Mirror Chekov and others to join his side.
    • Mirror Kirk invokes this almost word-for-word when Mirror Spock chokes him. It works.
  • I'm Having Soul Pains: Throughout "The White Iris", Kirk experiences physical pain over the loss of four women he loved in the past. According to Bones, this pain is affecting his heart and he's slowly dying.
  • Informed Ability: Zaminhon states that Orion men secrete the same types of seductive pheromones as their female counterparts, but Dr. McKennah seems unaffected. It might be because the entire crew was inoculated, though.
  • Is This Thing Still On?: The coup de grace in "Fairest Of Them All", as Mirror Spock listens to Mirror Kirk's shrieking rant about the crew being brainless sheep, then moves aside to reveal that the intercom was on and everyone throughout the entire ship heard that.
  • Killed Off for Real: Several of the recurring characters are killed off at the end of the series, including Drake, Smith and Dr. McKennah.
  • I Lied: Sentrek readily admits as much when his claims of holding the crew of the Congo hostage and offering to return them safely in exchange for Dr. McKennah turns out to be a deception.

    Sentrek: My apologies, Commander. I lied.
    Spock: (actually outraged) Vulcans never lie!
    Sentrek: We both know that not to be true, Mr. Spock.

  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: In "Lolani", the titular character interrupts a not-so-whispered argument between Kirk and McKennah to ask a... slightly awkward question. note A reminder than Kirk and McKennah's actors are married in Real Life.

    Lolani: Do you always challenge each other in this manner?
    McKennah: Uh... no. Not always. Why do you ask?
    Lolani: Well, I read in some cultures, such challenging between males and females is considered a... mating ritual.
    Kirk: [glances awkwardly at McKennah] ...No. Not in this culture.
    McKennah: Yes. I mean, no. No. Yes to the no. No.

  • Love Is in the Air/Smells Sexy: Orion females secrete pheromones.
  • Mad Doctor: The mirror universe McCoy is willing, even gleeful, to use his "patients" as guinea pigs.
  • Mirror Universe: "Fairest Of Them All" provides yet another version of what happened after Kirk and Co. left.
  • Mook–Face Turn: Mirror Kirk's own henchmen are the ones who seize him at the end. One even knocks him out when he breaks loose.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • The intro of "Pilgrim of Eternity" has Scotty proudly showing Kirk the new prototype holodeck technology him and a team of other leading Starfleet engineers are working on. It should be great... once they've worked the bugs out.
    • At the end of "Embracing the Winds", Commander Diana Garrett says to Kirk, "Maybe someday a Garrett will command an Enterprise" — implying that she's an ancestor of the ill-fated Captain Rachel Garrett of the Enterprise-C.
    • "What Ships Are For" begins with the bridge crew chatting with an admiral who has on a white top similar to the Starfleet uniforms seen in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Sure enough, as soon as the admiral is gone:
      • Of course, "To Boldly Go, Part II" sees Kirk having to wear a new uniform.
    • The Romulan Commander from "The Enterprise Incident" is referred to as Charvanek in "To Boldly Go", a name that was introduced in the novel Vulcan's Heart.
    • At the end of "To Boldly Go, Part II", McCoy announces to Kirk that he is resigning from Starfleet, listing amongst his reasons that he wants to spend some time with his daughter, whom he hasn't seen during the entire Enterprise's mission. This a nod to the fact McCoy's daughter, Joanna, while part of his backstory in the production notes and despite having been loosely planned to appear in The Original Series at some point, never actually made it all the way to an on-screen appearance or even getting a mentioning during the show's run.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Apollo of all people gets such a moment. Feeling emboldened and empowered by how the crew of the Enterprise enjoys hearing his tales and songs, he slips back into his "tyrannical god" mood and when Kirk tries to talk him down from this, he gets even more angry and punishes him by using his powers to torment him, until McKennah shoots him in the back with a phaser. Shocked by this, Apollo turns around to face her and notices the fear in her eyes, making him very remorseful.
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye: "The White Iris" sees Kirk being haunted by resurging memories of several women he loved, but died before he could come to any closure to their relationships or even bid them a proper goodbye, including Rayna Kapec, Edith Keeler, Miramanee, and an unnamed girlfriend from his time aboard the Farragut.
  • Not So Stoic: Spock, in "To Boldly Go, Part II", when the Espers fool him and capture Dr. McKennah.
  • No MacGuffin, No Winner: The A plot of "Embrace the Winds" centers around the question of whether Spock or Commander Garret is to be promoted to the post of the USS Hood's new captain. Meanwhile, the B plot ends with the Hood's reactor going critical and exploding, taking the ship with it, rendering the question ultimately moot.
  • Noodle Incident: We don't really know what happened on Nimbus III in "Embracing the Winds," other than that they lost the captain who commanded the mission and Cmdr. Garrett, who's been partially blamed for the tragedy, says "those arthropods came out of nowhere". This obviously takes place before the colonization of Nimbus III by combined elements of Terran, Romulan and Klingon civilizations as portrayed in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The creatures in "Come Not Between The Dragons" can, at will, cause everyone on the ship to become paranoid and irritable, causing multiple Rage Breaking Points, fights between crew members, and a very vengeful Captain Kirk.
    • Villainous example in "Fairest Of Them All." Mirror Kirk notices Spock's increasingly erratic (to him) behavior and eventually decides to get rid of him with the Tantalus Field. Or he would have, if Marlena hadn't disabled it beforehand.
  • People of Hair Color: Used as plot twist, actually. The Abicians are easily identified by their purple hair, but because the Hyalians cannot see color, the Abicians has been able to slip under their radar and live peacefully among them for generations.
  • Power Echoes: Apollo's voice gets increasingly boomier and echos as his power returns.
  • Promotion to Opening Titles: Relative to the original series, the character of Scotty (though played by a different actor — Chris Doohan, James Doohan's son!) finally makes the opening titles, rectifying a longstanding fan criticism of James Doohan's low billing relative to his character's prominence. He even gets the And Starring designation!
  • Put on a Bus: "What Ships Are For" reveals that Nurse Chapel has returned to Starfleet, working on her doctorate.
  • Rank Up: As a reward for risking his life to save the ship, Chekov is promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade. Scotty of all people is the one who promotes him, although he notes that the paperwork still has to go through at Starfleet Command before it's officially official.
  • Rapid Aging: By phlebotinum, in "Pilgrim of Eternity," to Hand Wave why Apollo underwent Character Aged with the Actor when in the Star Trek universe, only a little under two years has passed.
  • Sadist: It is made obvious that Mirror McCoy gets quite a kick out of inflicting pain on others when he interrogates for Mirror Kirk.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Kirk in the end of "Lolani". Not that it helps.
  • Sequel Episode: This show is quite fond of these!
    • "Pilgrim of Eternity" is a follow-up to "Who Mourns for Adonais?.
    • "Fairest of Them All" directly follows the events of "Mirror, Mirror".
    • "Still Treads the Shadow" is a very, very dark sequel to "The Tholian Web".
    • "Embracing the Winds" is a Fix Fic for "Turnabout Intruder", featuring a woman who is qualified to be a starship captain, to the point that the actress is coming across as a young James T. Kirk.
  • Silent Credits: The credits for "To Boldly Go, Part 2" only has the ambient noises from the Enterprise's bridge playing.
  • Slavery Is a Special Kind of Evil: The social issue of the week in "Lolani".
  • Special Edition Title: Taking a page from "In a Mirror, Darkly", the titles in "Fairest of Them All", which is set entirely in the Mirror Universe, replace the familiar narrative with "Space, the Final Conquest..." while snare drums are heard in the title theme and the Terran Empire's symbol of a globe with a dagger through it is added to the Star Trek logo. The visuals are also all mirrored compared to the normal series opening. The end credits for this episode are also different, using the series 2 font rather than the normal series 3.
  • Theme Song Reveal: "To Boldly Go, Part 2" has a couple of Call Forwards to Star Trek: The Motion Picture and even Star Trek: The Next Generation by way weaving some of the nodes from the iconic theme tune into the soundtrack.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Galisti of the Hyalians gives one to Kirk about the Federation's hypocrisy that cuts right through his Kirk Summation about why they shouldn't turn away the Abicians trying to settle on their planet. Kirk says they should show compassion for another species that's just trying to survive; Galisti retorts that the Federation itself allows pre-warp species to die to uphold the prime directive instead of saving them. He shuts down Kirk's argumant that the Hyalians are "condemning the many for the crimes of a few" by accusing the Federation of willingly "condemning the many for the crimes of none".
  • Torture Technician: Mirror McCoy is Mirror Kirk's head interrogator, and since they live in the Mirror Universe, torture is an inevitable part of any interrogation.
  • To Be Lawful or Good: The main moral conflict of "Lolani". Kirk ultimately chooses to be good, but it is rendered moot before he has a chance to actually act on it.
  • Trap Is the Only Option: Mirror Spock knows that Mirror Kirk's request for parley is just a ruse. But he believes that he should go anyway, to give Mirror Kirk a chance to see reason. But it doesn't mean that he isn't ready for the trap when it's sprung.
  • Video Will: The final scene of, and last farewell of the title character of, "Lolani".
  • Villain Ball: In "Fairest of Them All", Mirror Kirk orders the Halkans' civilisation destroyed via bombardment to make them an example of what happens to those who dare to resist the Terran Empire. While the pitiless attack wipes out most of the Halkans (we're later told there were survivors who've been safely brought onboard), it also destroys the dilithium crystals on the planet that the Enterprise needed in the first place. The Halkans had installed piezoelectric charges in the crystal structures so they couldn't be used... and Mirror Kirk only realized it after the fact.
  • Villain Episode: "Fairest Of Them All" is set in the Mirror Universe directly after "Mirror, Mirror." Subverted however, as Mirror Spock is not a Villain Protagonist.
  • War Is Hell: "Divided We Stand" where Bones and Kirk are transported (via brain nanonites) to The American Civil War. Things only get worse when Kirk gets injured and Bones has to perform an amputation on Kirk while he's awake.
  • Wham Line: Towards the end of "The White Iris", Kirk confronts the mysterious girl he's been seeing around the ship and he finally learns who she is.

    Kirk: What's your name?

    Mysterious girl: You never gave me one.

  • You Have Failed Me: Don't tell Mirror Kirk something can't be done or hesitate when he demands an answer unless you want a punch in the gut or a jolt from your agonizer.


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